चिरायु अस्पताल में आपका स्वागत है
जानिए हमारी ट्रॉमा सेवाओं के बारे में
Trauma care forms an essential part of our premium healthcare Services. The trauma care services specifically focus on treating patients who are suffering from extreme injuries that are life-threatening. We have a team of highly trained clinicians including trauma surgeons, trained nurses, cardiac surgeons, radiologists, neurosurgeons, and orthopedic surgeons who are proficient in treating diverse types of traumatic injuries such as burn injury, road accidents, and car crash injuries, sudden brain injuries like hemorrhage, etc. The core emphasis is laid on providing the best treatment to patients for critical injuries to enhance their chances of survival.

चिरायु अस्पताल क्यों है मरीज़ों की पहली पसंद?
प्रमुख सुपरस्पेशलटी हॉस्पिटल
24 / 7 चिकित्सक उपलब्ध
डेडिकेटेड गहन चिकित्सा इकाई (ICU )
गुणवत्तापूर्ण चिकित्सा सेवाएं उचित दरों पर
विशेषज्ञों की टीम

डॉ. मनोज चौधरी
Time:09:00am - 06:00pm
निम्न से संबंधित ट्रॉमा समस्याओं का इलाज किया जाता है
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedics
- General
- Oral and Maxillofacial
- Emergency Surgeries
मरीज़ों को निम्न सुविधाएं उपलब्ध है
- Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- IPD Services
- Critical Care Ambulance Services
- Operation Theatre
- Emergency Services
डायग्नोस्टिक सुविधाएं इस प्रकार हैं
- Cath Lab
- CT Scan
- X-
- Sonography Investigation
चिरायु अस्पताल मरीज़ों को निम्नलिखित ट्रॉमा की समस्याओं के लिए इलाज प्रदान करता है
ट्रॉमेटिक ब्रेन इंजरी : The head injuries are caused due to motor vehicle accidents, sudden falls, and assaults leading to a skull fracture and concussions, etc.
बर्न इंजरी : These injuries can be fatal and are caused due to direct or indirect contact with fire, heat, chemicals, or the electric current. Commonly known first, second, and three-degree burn.
स्पाइनल फ्रैक्चर : Osteoporosis, sudden falls, spinal tumors, traumatic accidents, and spinal infections are some of the primary causes for the occurrence of spinal fractures.
फेशियल ट्रॉमा: It is the injury of the face and can affect the upper and lower jaw, nose, cheek, forehead, nose, and eye socket. Sports injuries, violence, vehicle crashes cause facial injuries.
वैस्कुलर सर्जरी: The specialty deals with treating the diseases that affect the vascular system including the veins, arteries, and the lymphatic vessels. Some of the conditions that required surgery include varicose veins, vascular malformations, lymphatic disorders, etc.
ट्रॉमा के लिए निम्न उपचार उपलब्ध है

One of the important phases of our trauma care, the rehabilitation facilities enhance the patient’s physical and mental health. This reduces the chances of a disability and the impact of physical injury caused to patients. The entire focus of rehabilitation remains on restoring the physical, sensory and mental capacities. The compassionate and dedicated efforts of our trauma experts bring functional improvements in the patient and ensure a better recovery.

ट्रॉमा थेरेपी
At Chirayu Hospital, the primary goal of the trauma therapies is the immediate management of the physical effects of trauma. By stabilizing the physical injuries, our central focus is on preventing further harm. This enables patients to carry on with their normal life and at the same time allows for gradual repair of the physical damage. Our physiotherapists recommend the necessary exercises to help patients regain their prior quality of life.

वैसेल रिपेयर सर्जरी
Vascular trauma can occur due to injury in the blood vessel and can be classified into blunt and penetrating injury. In the former, the blood vessel is crushed or stretched while in the latter blood vessel is torn and punctured severely. Our vascular surgeons performs life-saving procedures such as:
- Vascular Embolectomy: Catheter-based procedures as well as open surgery are performed to avoid the blockage in the blood vessels.
- Vascular Grafting: Surgical procedure to improve blood flow in the body by reconnecting the blood vessels.
उपचार के बाद मरीज़ों के अनुभव
On 1st July at 8 a.m., Laxmi suffered multiple burn injuries in a cylinder blast which occurred at his home. The diagnosis was of 40% burn and Severe injuries at upper body part. He was brought directly to Chirayu. Once at the emergency ward at Chirayu, Dr. Dinesh examined the patient and immediate dressing was done. Patient was then shifted to ICU. After 2-3days, patient developed Septicemia. There was a continuous thick yellow discharge from the patient’s body. Dr. Deepesh was called immediately and surgery and debridement was done. He continued to stay in ICU for 4-5 days for close observation and subsequently broad-spectrum antibiotics were given. Patient is now in recovery stage. Patient was content after receiving the treatment in Chirayu.
Mrs Sayar arrived directly to Emergency ward of Chirayu hospital. Dr. Manoj examined her and proposed an X-ray of left hip joint (femur neck was fractured). Due to an age of the patient, THR (total hip replacement) was indicated followed by Bhamasha enrollment of the patient. After Permission was granted and processes were completed from BSBY the replacement done.Mrs Sayar is now in a recovery state. As the case consists of Osteoporotic bones, THR could be a risky procedure which may leads to the breaking of bones at any time. But, still the surgery was done successfully by Dr. Manoj Chaudhary and now the patient is recovering quickly.
Baby’s Mother arrived at Chirayu hospital on 23rd July directly to Emergency ward were Dr. Dinesh examined the patient and immediately sent to the labor room. Delivery was done immediately by Dr. Manju Chaudhary and baby was delivered successfully. Since baby was delivered two months pre-term period, baby was moved to NICU. In NICU, baby was supported with Oxygen, warmer, and then antibiotics. IV fluids were given to baby. In next stage, baby suffered from Jaundice and therefore photo therapy was started by Dr. Kishore Agarwal. Oxygen support was removed, and the baby was put on antibiotics, warmer and photo therapy. Baby was fed through nasal feeding, initially and is now gaining healthy weight and growth.
Yunus met with an accident on 11th of July and immediately taken to local governement hospital. Doctor informed to relatives that there are no internal injuries, you can take patient back to home and he will be fine in next few days. He was experiencing extreme body ache despite of no visibile physical injuries. Their relatives suggested to take him to Chirayu hospital and Consult Dr. Manoj Chaudhary.He arrived to Chirayu hospital in emergency ward. Dr. Dinesh examined the patient and suggested admission. Doctor suggested to go for X-ray and it was diagnosed the fracture of Acetabular bone (socket portion of “ball and socket joint”, hip joint). Patient’s hemoglobin was low, so blood transfusion was done before surgery. Patient is in recovery stage and healing fast.