Treatment options for an Enlarged Prostate

Minimally invasive treatment and surgery are among the possibilities for treating an enlarged prostate. The best course of treatment for you will be determined by a variety of factors, including:

Your age

Your prostate size

Your overall health

How much pain or suffering you are now experiencing

According to the urologist doctor in Jaipur If your symptoms are tolerable, you may choose to postpone therapy and instead keep an eye on them. Some men's symptoms may go away without medical treatment.

Minimally invasive or surgical therapy

If your symptoms are moderate to severe, or if medication isn't working, minimally invasive or surgical treatment may be recommended. You have kidney problems, bladder stones, blood in your urine, or a blockage in your urinary system.

The option of this surgery is not an option with:

An untreated urinary tract infection

Urethral strictures disease

Previous prostate radiation therapy or urinary tract surgery

A neurological disorder such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease

There are various surgical or less invasive therapies available.

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

The options for laser therapy include:

Ablative methods: These methods disintegrate obstructive prostate tissue to increment the pee stream. Models incorporate photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP) and holmium laser removal of the prostate (HoLAP). The ablative methodology can cause disturbing urinary side effects after a medical procedure, so in uncommon circumstances, one more resection technique may be required eventually.

Enucleation strategies: Enucleation strategies, like holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), by and large, eliminate all the prostate tissue impeding the pee stream and forestalling the regrowth of tissue. The eliminated tissue can be analyzed for prostate disease and different circumstances. These methods are like open prostatectomy. The treatment is widely popular among patients according to the urology surgeon in Jaipur because of its high effectiveness and lower risk.

Prostatic urethral lift (PUL)

Unique labels are utilized to pack the sides of the prostate to expand the progression of pee. The strategy may be suggested on the off chance that you have lower urinary lot side effects. PUL additionally may be proposed to certain men worried about treatment influence on erectile brokenness and ejaculatory issues, since the impact on discharge and sexual capability is a lot lower with PUL than it is with TURP.


In this exploratory method, the blood supply to or from the prostate is specifically impeded, making the prostate diminish in size. Long-haul information on the adequacy of this technique isn't accessible.

Open or robot-helped prostatectomy

The specialist cuts across your lower midsection to arrive at the prostate and eliminate tissue. Open prostatectomy is for the most part finished on the off chance that you have an exceptionally huge prostate, bladder harm, or other confounding elements. The medical procedure typically requires a short emergency clinic stay and is related to a higher gamble of requiring blood bonding.

 Follow Up Care

Your subsequent consideration will rely upon the particular method used to treat your broadened prostate.

Your primary care physician could suggest restricting hard work and extreme activity for seven days assuming you have laser removal, transurethral needle removal, or transurethral microwave treatment. If you have an open or robot-helped prostatectomy, you could have to confine movement for a very long time.

Out of all the surgeries, the relatively new laser technology has been proven more effective than the others mentioned above. The best urologist doctor in Jaipur, Ankit Kayal is an experienced expert in treating the enlarged prostate with HoLep ensuring patient safety as well as speedy recovery.
