Importance Of Ultrasound During Pregnancy

What is Pre- Natal ultrasonography?

In ultrasonography, high-frequency sound waves are sent through the abdomen of the mother by a device called a transducer. The sound waves are recorded and changed into video and images of the baby in the womb. The ultrasound can be used during pregnancy by the best gynecologist doctor in Jaipur to study and analyze images of the amniotic sac, placenta, and ovaries.

The concept of ultrasonography came from sonar technology, which makes use of sound waves to detect underwater objects. Ultrasound can be used with other diagnostic procedures, such as amniocentesis.

Transvaginal ultrasound:

Most prenatal ultrasound procedures, performed in the top gynecologist hospital in Jaipur are done using a gel as a conductive medium to enhance the quality of the image. A transvaginal ultrasound is performed using a probe that is inserted into the vaginal canal. A transvaginal ultrasound can be used early in pregnancy to determine how far along the woman is in her pregnancy (gestational) age. It may also be used to get a clearer view of the uterus or ovaries if any sort of problem is discovered.


An ultrasound is generally performed for all pregnant women at 20 weeks gestation. During this ultrasound, the gynecologist doctor in Jaipur evaluates if the placenta is attached normally and if the baby is growing properly in the uterus. The baby's heartbeat and movement of its body, arms, and legs can also be seen on the ultrasound.

An ultrasound is done earlier in the pregnancy to generally determine:

  • Presence of more than one fetus
  • The due date or gestational age (the age of the fetus)

Later in pregnancy, ultrasound might be used to determine:

  • Fetal well-being: Major anatomical abnormalities or birth defects can be studied on an ultrasound.
  • Placenta location: During pregnancy, the position of the placenta within the uterus can be of vital importance to the health of both the baby and, in some circumstances, the mother. There are many complications pertaining to placenta location like Placenta Previa, Vasa Previa, etc.
  • Amount of amniotic fluid around the baby: Amniotic fluid is the kind of fluid that helps the fetus during the development phase. Either excess or lack of amniotic fluid can be indicative of the problems with pregnancy that might require a diagnosis.
  • Position of the baby-During delivery, it can be important to know the baby’s position (breech, transverse, cephalic, or optimal) because it can affect the method of delivery.

Baby's expected weight- If the growth of the baby falls off expected norms, this can be indicative of problems with the placenta or problems with the health of the baby. Ultrasound helps to monitor the weight of the baby.